24 Hours Taxi Service in Haridwar

Blank Form (#8)

Booking Terms & Condition

1.Minimum 1000 Rs To Be Charged while Ticket Cancelling .

2.You Need to Deposit Total amount in advance to the company's account number .

3.You Need to Provide us the copy of bank deposit slip and screenshot of online payments once you deposit the amount .

4.Confirmed Booking will be mailed to you after the confirmation of amount deposited in the comapny's account is confirmed our bank Confirmation time required by the bank is minium 2 working days .Hence ticket will be issued once bank confirm the amount

5. The time Given to the passenger would be reporting time only and it should not be consider as bus departure time .

6. No Accomdation, Meals Or Cost of any other would be paid remburshment compensention by the company's

7. Cancellation Can Be Also due to bed weather , technical problem in veichle or any unforseen circumcentes .Comapny will refund amount and will not resposible towards management of vehicle .

8. Ac Will Not Operate in hills

9. Vehicle Number and assistance number details will be given one day before journey.

10.Incase in Yatra or package extra day will be count as minimum halting charges will be bond by passengers.

11.Driver will not driving continously.

12. Incase Yatra or tour package completed before booking days so no any discount will be given or cost cutting applicable in the ticket price,.

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